Some of you were aware that the Academy was planning to issue a Request for Proposal (actually “Request for Quotation”) for analyzing and addressing the “problem” with sea year. This was supposed to be done on a no-bid basis because it is so urgent to address the sea year problem as quickly as possible.
Well, the RFP is out. You can read it here.
I’ll post an analysis soon, but note that the completion date is six months. See page 10. But remember, if you like your graduation year, you can keep your graduation year.
When did they start preparing/writing this RFP? April 2016? May 2016? June 2016? July 2016?
And did the company that is going to get the bid help write it?
I hope I’m wrong, but I don’t see this as good news. SECDOT and MARAD will likely use the the 6 months to wait it out until after the administration changes, at which point it will likely no longer be a FOXX or Jaenichen issue. It’ll take months before the new administration will appoint a new MARAD Administrator and Deputy which means the Acting Administrator will likely be a career civil service employee who may be reluctant to take action on anything that might create political issues for his or her “new boss”.
Agree with Randy, this just buys time and doesn’t address the leadership issue either. These folks couldn’t run a gas station. Pathetic.
Im thinking an adminstration change is a good thing. If I had any influence I would be working on both candidates transition teams now….or the members of the BOV whow could have say on who they actually choose as new MARAD. Anyone got any pull? BTW, RFQ alreay tees up the questions and answers. Its a very poorly written RFP, not in typical language of RFPs that are looking for an independent review.
Hellis better hope the RFQ contractor doesn’t honestly report on C.1.4. This whole blob of gobbledygook is designed to delay, delay, delay! Even after the RFQ is selected, it will take an additional SIX months for the report! From my friends whom have worked in “government,” how about we muster up all the midshipman in barracks, have them fill out a survey (MANDATORY), and tally the results? Transparency and honesty could be assured by having all present witness the tally! Or… There must be an internet survey which would suffice.